Back in business now with about 140% more content!
RIP Charahub, where all my characters near and dear to my heart have found a home for years. Once the site went down, I wow to display all of them somewhere else. I've looked into a few places but none of them really was what I was looking for, where I could store both images and text, where I can send people to if they wanted to engage in RP with a char of mine, or needed references if I commissioned them. Then I remembered that I'm actually okay with coding and have webdesigner papers, so I thought 'why not' and began coding. Eventually, I realized that I can just smoosh the characters with the RP info, so Juicy! is now a more comprehensive guide to my roleplaying endeavors. Or at least it's getting there. If you look to the left, you'll see a nice menu I spent ages on figuring out. Most of the names lead to blank pages right now, but I'm continuously uploading more and more.
Thank you for reading; please proceed with poking the menu on the left! =3