Ronen is a dragon, but he quite likes his human guise, so he rarely goes back
to his original form. It helps him conserve energy, too, which is very helpful, because the
poor guy is rather picky in his diet. He feeds on sounds, especially on songs, and the more
beautiful the singing voice, the lyrics and the emotions in the song, the more fulfilling it is.
Due to that, in fantasy settings, Ronen travels from one festival / opera house / concert / cathedral
to another; and in modern times, he has his own record company, where he scouts young stars to feed on
their songs - and get them to the top of the billboard. Note, the singers suffer absolutely no harm when Ronen listens to them.
When on low energy, Ronen ages rapidly, up to the point when he looks as if he had one foot in the grave.
It hardly comes to that in modern settings, but could happen in fantasy. He could go a long way without food,
but he absolutely loathes being hungry. Aside sounds, Ronen is able to consume normal food, and he likes a
juicy stake like any honest dragon, but more for the taste than the nutrition.
Ronen is tall and handsome, looks to be in his thirties with teal hair and eyes that shift between aqua
and lime constantly. He dresses elegantly.
Personality-wise, he's calm, laid-back, a bit "drifting", kind, caring, passionate. When low energy, he
becomes grumpy though; on occasion, he could be even bitter.
PLEASE NOTE: always include the earring, even if the simplified version.
Credit for the dragon form: