Maurice AI-0039

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He was found in an abandoned alien ship in a convenient stasis chamber. The explorer team brought him to the nearest space station for examinations, but nobody got wiser - not even the android himself, because his memory seems to be either wiped, or guarded by some incredibly strong protection.

For a while, he was kept under constant surveillance and subjected to all kinds of none-too-nice examinations, and it turned out that despite he is 100% artificial, he's still remarkably similar to humans, displaying emotions, being able to feel pain and cry and woah, _other_ bodily functions are included into the package as well. (Though naturally, he is not capable to get anybody pregnant.)

Eventually, he was given a restraining device, which acts as a tracker as well, and AI-0037 was let free to roam the station. Soon, residents came to recognize (which was quite easy) and like (a lot harder) him. 0037 is a very friendly and helpful individual, curious about the humans and their customs. He gets along well with children and by now he is sort of unofficially drafted into the station security force, due to his astonishing combat abilities and the equally astonishing reluctance he displays when he has to use them. They gave him the name Maurice, which refers to the Christian saint Maurice, who is the protector of the army.

Maurice looks quite human, but it's obvious that he's an artificial being, because his shoulder- and thigh-joints are very robot-like. However, the rest of his body is covered with soft lavender-colored synthetic skin. He lacks any bodily hair, but that doesn't hinder him in displaying emotions; his face is very finely crafted.

His more precious parts are hidden inside his body, behind a panel on his crotch. When closed, this panel is barely visible. Maurice walks around without clothes most of the time, but on occasions, he can be seen wearing a simple T-shirt/jeans outfit. He just doesn't like to dress, because clothes have the tendency to tangle into his joints.