Melchior Schwarz

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A 'Sonderagent' - special agent - of the government in an unfortunate alternative reality dimension where Hitler won WWII.

Melchior is an 'aether alien', but they commonly refer to his species simply as 'demons'. There are thirteen of them, all very powerful. Melchior is the second most dangerous among them. His power includes magic, shapeshifting (within certain borders) and being able to create a youth elixir. Don't ask, it's pervy.

He doesn't really have moral qualms against anything humans would consider improper (including ripping somebody to pieces), but he's really fond of human behavior and enjoys playing mindgames and being a detective. He's often flirtatious, very well-mannered and pretty much nothing can make him stop smiling (he usually just smiles even WIDER).

He has perfect Aryan looks - pale blond hair, ice blue eyes and a tall form though with average muscles. He dresses in fine suits and a trade mark black trench coat, but when not on the job, he's known to get a little crazy - think generic arabian-flavored opulence. His fave colors are blue and black. Now and then, he can be seen in uniform that closely resembles the early black attire of SS officers.

Sometimes he's accompanied by his pet black ferret, Egidius. And if you include a glowing egg on the picture somewhere, that's- appropriate. He can also be seen alongside his chosen human, Helena Morgenstern. He will not leave this specific scenario, so when drawing, only use the references provided, or generic 40's fashion.